A5sa Africa


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The data will be encoded and generated as a 2D bar code signed by a private key, which can then be printed directly onto an identity card or document. Only by using an app with the matching public key on a mobile device or computer will the information be decrypted and displayed onscreen.

A5SA Code can contain text and colour image, all securely encrypted in a 2D bar code which can be read without internet or database access. It is multi-lingual as well.

The main difference is that A5SA Code can be read and verified completely offline. It can store over 5 times the amount of data in a QR code and it cannot be replicated.

A5SA Technology uses a 2048-bit algorithm to generate a multi-layered code using 2PKI (Public & Private Key Infrastructure).

Our multi-layered code is proprietary technology, and is self-developed to be very complex. Only those who have the key (public) can access and read the code. The algorithm was developed and launched in Korea. Of over 600 government agencies and companies using this technology, no hacking cases have ever occurred.

We offer a modular system with multiple tiers designed to work independently or be integrated with existing systems.


Contact us for more information.

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